Summary in English
The Music School known as the Konservatorium Bern (or “Konsibern” for short) offers lessons and courses for all ages and every musical taste.
For pre-school children, the wide range of courses on offer include parent-and-child singing from the age of six months upwards, group courses in music and movement, as well as instrumental lessons for toddlers on the ukulele, in early percussion, or in making and playing bamboo flutes. For further information, see Unterricht Vorschule.
The Konsibern offers individual singing tuition (pop, jazz and classical) and lessons on more than 50 different instruments embracing the fields of classical, pop/rock/jazz and world music. For further information, see Einzelunterricht Jugendliche.
Individual tuition can be complemented and enhanced by participating in some 30 choirs, bands, ensembles and orchestras spanning the fields of jazz, pop, folk, classical music and music theory, enabling students to engage in music making with other like-minded young people. For an overview of what we offer, see Übersicht Ensembles/Chöre/Theorie.
The Music School also runs a programme called Jeki Bern (Jedem Kind ein Instrument – Every Child an Instrument), which provides singing classes at numerous primary schools in the city of Bern. In addition, it offers a programme of optional tuition in small groups on selected instruments. For more information on the programme, see Extras: JEKI.
Students who display outstanding musical talent may audition for a variety of support programmes through which, if accepted, they can receive further training up to and including preparatory courses for admission to a music academy or university. For further information, see Förderprogramme.
Specialisation in the field of Early Music is possible through individual lessons using period instruments, as well as in various group courses. To find out more, see Alte Musik.
Konsibern attaches particular importance to accessible music making. Furthermore, in 2015 the School received the Prix Printemps in recognition of its engagement for accessibility in music. Accessible offerings are marked with corresponding icons on our website, and our Reception staff will be happy to answer any further questions.
The Music School of the Bern Conservatory has a number of acoustically outstanding performance facilities, which are also available for hire, while the Konsibern can also assist with the hire of instruments. Bursaries are available for students with limited financial means; relevant information is available both on the website and from Reception.
The Konsibern presents some 250 concerts per year in and around Bern, mainly under its own aegis, but also by hosting guest performances. The following link will take you to the complete Programme of Events.
Legal oversight of the Music School of the Bern Conservatory is vested in a foundation of the same name, while the institution enjoys both the goodwill and the material support of the Verein der Konsifreunde (Association of Friends of the Konsibern). The Konsibern team comprises approximately 180 members of staff, while our teaching is regulated by Bernese cantonal legislation governing music schools and is financed by school fees and subsidies from the City of Bern. For further information, see Link Organisation.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.